How Proposify helped EverLine increase their close rates dramatically and tailor follow-ups for 59 franchises

Cameron Aiton
Cameron Aiton COO at EverLine




Sales, Operations


Proposal Management

EverLine team members outside

About EverLine

With 19 franchises in Canada and 40 in the US, EverLine is a fast-growing company providing parking lot line painting and maintenance. They serve a variety of commercial, industrial, and retail businesses and often contract out to large property management firms.

As a franchise, EverLine needed to improve not only their own business processes, but support their franchisees in this endeavor as well. Cameron Aiton, COO of EverLine, is in charge of optimizing marketing and sales processes to help franchisees win more deals. We sat down with Cameron to learn more about why EverLine chose Proposify and what results they've achieved.


Before using Proposify, EverLine sales reps were creating quotes inside of their accounting software, downloading the pricing table as a PDF, and then adding that to a pretty basic PDF proposal template, and sending it to clients.

The proposals weren’t detailed or tailored enough. This process had its faults before Covid, and during Covid, it was proving challenging to establish trust with new potential clients.

There were other issues as well. The old process was time-consuming, difficult to customize, and failed to provide insights into client activity.



To find a solution for better proposals, Cameron turned to Google.

He quickly found Proposify and vetted it for these important criteria:

  • Images and video to win clients over digitally - With Proposify’s image and video embeds, Cameron knew salespeople would be able to win over clients with project examples, process descriptions, team intros, and more.
  • Seamless integration with CRM - It was essential that the proposal platform be able to integrate with their CRM.
  • Proposal analytics - Improved visibility and transparency were major goals for rewiring EverLine’s proposal process.
  • Interactive pricing to stay under budget - Cameron was happy to see that Proposify offered dynamic pricing, so that clients could select the options that fit within their budget instead of saying no to the project or needing to request changes. This feature is a time saver and win-win for everyone.
"We had no way of getting something professional in front of clients, checking how they engaged with it, or tailoring our follow-ups. We also weren’t able to accurately track our win/loss ratios."

Looking for more professional, more customizable proposals

Cameron knew there was something better out there.

He decided to look for proposal software with a modern edge. He was hoping for videos and images to build trust and analytics to empower smarter selling.

construction machine painting lines on road
“It's our job to provide the best solutions to our franchisees. We like to stay ahead of the market. We wanted a platform with images and videos to build credibility with what we were selling.”

The implementation process—a pleasant surprise

An experienced buyer of SaaS products, Cameron has been let down by the rollout stage before. Many SaaS companies will sell their products and walk away, letting you figure out the rest.

Cameron was pleasantly surprised by the hands-on help the Proposify team offered with both account setup and proposal-crafting.

“All of our clients have budgets they have to work within. Before, if we sent them something that was way outside their budget, they would shoot it down right away or we would have to do a lot of back and forth. Proposify has optional rows and editable quantities that allow our clients the agency to choose what fits within their budget and build a plan around that.”

Franchise-specific account setup

As a franchise, EverLine is tasked with providing franchisees access to the exact same resources, while helping them customize these to their own locations.

The Proposify team helped EverLine set up a parent-child schema for the accounts, so that all franchises could access all that Proposify has to offer, as well as the correct templates for their business.

Hands-on assistance with proposal creation

Not only did the Proposify team help with the behind-the-scenes setup, but they are also on board for the creative part as well.

The Proposify team offered:

  • Help crafting the branding and messaging
  • Guidance on using advanced features like dynamic pricing
  • Ideas and inspiration for videos, images, and more
construction worker painting pavement in parking garage
“The support from the Proposify team has been phenomenal. The implementation process was really strong. They took the time to understand our business. Even though I’m tech savvy, I appreciated not having to set everything up on my own.”

Results for 59 franchises

With fast, hands-on implementation, results arrived quickly. Cameron has gotten excellent feedback from franchisees and has been able to collect quantitative data on their improved win rates as well.

“Proposify is absolutely worth the money. It's been a game-changer for how we present ourselves and has massively changed our sales process for the better.”

Decrease in time to create proposals

The time that it takes to create and send proposals has been cut in half and then some. While it used to take 20 minutes to create a (less effective) proposal for a simple project, it now takes just 7 minutes, a time savings of 65%.

And with proposal analytics, the team knows which clients to devote most of their follow-up time to, leading to productivity optimizations too.

Improved closing rate

Cameron has measured a notable increase in their closing rate (although that data will remain private).

Not only is their overall win rate better than before, but each franchisee can also benchmark and track their win rates over time to set internal goals and monitor salesrep performance.

Increased visibility into client activity (for better follow-ups)

Proposify offers insights into client email opens and proposal viewing.

This allows EverLine's salespeople to know which clients are active in the proposal, and which aren’t. This invaluable data—along with dynamic pricing and better proposal content—has positively impacted the company's closing rates.

“We can strike while the iron is hot and tailor our follow-ups based on how the clients have engaged with the proposal.”

Certainty on which proposal sections really matter

With Proposify, Cameron can test new ideas for what to add to proposals and see how clients interact with them on average. Sections with lots of activity are kept and scaled, while unpopular ones get cut.

“You can check the viewing and dwell time data to find what clients care about. Proposify gives you the data to continue to optimize. We don’t guess anymore.”

This has removed the guessing game when it comes to updating proposal content.

With informative proposals, interactive pricing, and valuable insights, EverLine is closing more proposals than ever. They’ve got all the tools they need to keep improving.

“The biggest impact of Proposify has been the increase in our sales ratio. Our closing rate went up dramatically.”

Ready to make every deal a closed deal?

Get started with a free Proposify 14-day trial. No credit card required. Just more closed deals.